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Lexical-grammar Test (4 th form)
Winston Churchill
Тема: Прошедшее время глагола to be + Чтение.
Type in www.wikipedia.org Click on ‘English’, then enter ‘Winston Churchill’ in Search Engine. Read the article and answer the questions. Two or three right answers are possible.
Тема: Общие вопросы + Погода + Дни недели.
Type in www.bbc.com. Click on ‘Weather’ and enter a city in Search Engine. Look at the information and answer ‘Yes, it is’ or ‘No, it isn’t’.
Olympic Games 2012
Тема: Простое прошедшее время + Количественные числительные + Чтение.
Type in www.olympic.org. Next open ‘Olympic Games’ and select ‘London 2012’. Then click on ‘All Facts’ and answer the following questions.
Royal Family
Тема: Семья + Притяжательный падеж.
Type in www.woodlands.kent.sch.uk. Click on ‘Resources’, then on ‘The British Royal Family’, next on ‘The Queen’s Family Tree’ and fill the gaps.
Heathrow Airport
Тема: Алфавит + Количественные числительные
Type in www.heathrowairport.com. Next enter a city in ‘Flight details’ and answer the following questions.
Tower of London
Тема: Предлоги места
Type in www.sights-and-culture.com. Click on ‘Great Britain’, then on ‘Tower of London’, next on ‘Tower map’ and fill the gaps with prepositions of place.